Wednesday, November 11, 2009

BluOrchid Photography in a Print Competition

Well, we got back from the annual Inferno Conference in Nashville, TN this past week. I was really excited to go because it is always a good time getting together with my photography friends from all over the world and just getting to "talk shop" for a few days. While I was there, I entered the print competition (my first ever) and was so nervous about it. I made Nate choose the final 3 images I entered. I entered one print each in the Wedding, Group, and Individual categories. I was sitting there at my table trying desperately not to pass out from my nervousness when they called my name as the 3rd place winner in the Individual category. Well, you would have thought I had won the Academy Award or something! I sprang out of my chair and went up to collect my ribbon and print and got my photo taken with the judges. It was really exciting. There were something like 94 entried from photographers all over and I was very excited to have placed since I had never competed before. It's hard to look at my work objectively since I have so many emotional connections to it, but I wanted to share the print that placed! It is called "Solemn Grace" (you have to name your competition entries and the name can either make or break your score). This photo was on the blog a while back, but I made a few changes to it and am going to re-post it for you to see!


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