Sunday, December 21, 2008

Carter's 4 month session! BluOrchid Photography ~ Marion AR Photographer

I'm sure you all remember Mr. Carter from his newborn session....well, maybe you might have to back up and do a double take for this....cause he looks soooo different! He did so good for his 4 month session. He is still full of cute facial expressions and we even coaxed a tiny smile out of him once! He is just a total cutie! Oh, and for the set of photos with the leaves...the story of how I got those is kind of funny! David and I went to grab something quick for lunch just before the session and we saw a guy blowing the leaves from his yard and I thought, what a great prop! David looked at me like I was nuts. He really did when he saw me headed out the door with a box to go pick some of them up from the side of the road. But, he can't say I'm too crazy after seeing how they turned out. Take a look....

1 comment:

  1. Kristi,

    Love your work! Have a great new year!

    David M.


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