Thursday, April 23, 2009

Senior 2009 Jamila! BluOrchid Photography ~ Marion AR Photographer

This is Ms. Jamila. She found me on google and lives about 2.5 hours away. She told her mother that she had to have ME do her senior portraits. That was such a compliment to me. They drove in a few weeks ago and we did the photographs and they came back in for their viewing and absolutely loved them. I'm so happy that I was able to work with her and her mother. It was a blast and she looked totally beautiful. She even had a step show afterwards and her team won!!! Great job girl! She's set to be in a pageant this Saturday night. Good luck to you!!!! I think you will do great!

Anyways, here are a few of my favorites from her session. We got to use some of our new backdrops and she rocked it!

50th Wedding Anniversary BluOrchid Photography ~ Marion AR Photographer

This is Jerry and Carol. They will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary next month. Their wonderful daughter Lisa had them come to me to get some great photos. They were so sweet and cute. I can't imagine being married for 50 years! How absolutely awesome! I also got the pleasure of designing their party invitation! They included a photo of them 50 years ago and then one from our session. I think they are just too cute together! Have a look!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Do Blonde's have more fun?! BluOrchid Photography ~ Marion AR Photographer

Ok, for those of you who have known me for more than a couple of know that I am naturally blonde headed. A couple of years ago I decided to change my hair to brunette because EVERYONE in my family is dark haired but me. I was looking around one day thinking I have to be adopted. So, brunette I became. It stayed that way for a while...but recently I decided to go back to my roots (literally). I have to thank my amazing hair stylist, Trinh Vu from Gould's Day Spa in Macy's, for the amazing job she always does.

So, lots of people that know I put it back have said I need to update my photo. So, I was out of town this weekend visiting family and got my little sis to snap a few pics for me. Here we debut as a blonde again!

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